
We open doors to collaboration with local and international organizations and specialized experts to build exceptional partnerships that drive business growth and achieve mutual success.

Join us to build successful and sustainable partnerships​

Organizations interested in participating in tenders and competitions for projects offered by Takamol Holding are invited to register in the supplier system to evaluate their eligibility and capacity to execute the required work.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Takamol welcomes SMEs and believes in their vital role in supporting the Saudi economy. We invite all businesses in this category to register and receive invitations to participate in upcoming projects.

Takamol continuously collaborates with service and goods suppliers in the following sectors:​

  • Business Solutions
  • Events Management
  • Information Technology
  • Consulting
  • Legal Services
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Miscellaneous Equipment ​

Make a difference in your field and register as a supplier

To register as a supplier with Takamol Holding, please complete the Supplier Registration Form and send it via email to:​​​​​​​

Download Supplier Form

Supplier Portal​

Once registration is complete, please download the user guide and follow the outlined steps to access the Supplier Portal.
